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Paragon removes the smoke and mirrors from the healthcare planning process by identifying all plan cost to help you understand how each component affects your bottom line.

Claim Cost Component: medical expenditures incurred by employees


  • Doctors

  • Hospital

  • Rx

  • Other health care facilities and practitioners



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It's time you also know of our behavioral health program enabling so many to feel better


One of our most important goals is to ensure you trust and are confident in your decisions for selecting Paragon to help guide your self-funded healthcare plan! These are some of the reasons why you will have the freedom of tranquility and ability to relax as you know that we are working to ensure your self-funded healthcare planned better!



Creative and cost conscious plan design assistance - we know what works.



Health improvement and participant motivation programs that result in lower claim cost​


Member contribution council to improve participation and reduce adverse selection


Governmental compliance and regulatory review is at the forefront of our service commitment.​

Plan transition from fully insured to self-funded

Enrollment communications and technology tools to aid participation and ongoing eligibility management.

Fiduciary assistance to minimize liability exposures

Long standing relationships with stop loss insurance companies, PBM's and wellness vendors brings lower cost and problem resolution to our clients.

Our leaders participate with industry trade groups and associations to respond and shape regulatory framework

"It's going to take a change in thinking & how you view things for you to experience the results you've been expecting."

Paragon is using proprietary technology helping you make more profitable decisions about your healthcare
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